This is Jake's Story...

Jake is a 20-year-old twin who has been diagnosed with stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma, a very rare form of cancer. Going through a vigorous daily radiation treatment and weekly Chemo treatments make him extremely tired, weak and sometimes nauseous.

Jake is otherwise a normal teenage kid. He likes playing computer games, paintball, swimming and golfing. He loves hanging out with his four brothers, 4 wheeling, camping, and ruining his mom's laundry baskets while making home videos. He hopes to someday become a computer programmer.

This blog was started to keep his family and friends updated on his status.

Addendum: Jake became cured of cancer, free of pain and everything this world brings on September 29, 2010. He continues his journey in Heaven. He is doing awesome! Hope you're doing the same!

His family thanks you for your generosity in donations, love and service. God has shown us many tender mercies!
Thanks for being one of them!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chemo: Week 21

Well, this was a long day at the hospital.  Jake ended up getting a blood transfusion so we were there from 11 to 5.  Neupogen shots started up again today.  Even though Jake hates getting the shots, he realizes now that it helps keep him out of the hospital for extra stays, so he no longer protests.

Next week we are going to try getting the overnight chemo treatment during the day.  I don't know if this is going to work out, but we are sure willing to try.  I'm a little bit nervous...  I guess the home care nurse is going to come and hook him up to an IV to get him hydrated overnight.  I don't know if that means we have to change out the bags of IV all night.  Are they going to have an IV pole with a pump?  This will be a new adventure for us.

One sweet byproduct of Jake's illness is we got a call from Children with Cancer Christmas Foundation.  They have a party for families that have cancer kids and let the parents shop for a toy for the younger kids.  The next day they have Santa there and a big pizza party and fun evening for the family.  The boys all love pizza, so I think they will enjoy it.  The cool thing about my boys is that they are good friends with each other, so it's ok if they don't know anyone there.  Opportunity to meet new people!

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