This is Jake's Story...

Jake is a 20-year-old twin who has been diagnosed with stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma, a very rare form of cancer. Going through a vigorous daily radiation treatment and weekly Chemo treatments make him extremely tired, weak and sometimes nauseous.

Jake is otherwise a normal teenage kid. He likes playing computer games, paintball, swimming and golfing. He loves hanging out with his four brothers, 4 wheeling, camping, and ruining his mom's laundry baskets while making home videos. He hopes to someday become a computer programmer.

This blog was started to keep his family and friends updated on his status.

Addendum: Jake became cured of cancer, free of pain and everything this world brings on September 29, 2010. He continues his journey in Heaven. He is doing awesome! Hope you're doing the same!

His family thanks you for your generosity in donations, love and service. God has shown us many tender mercies!
Thanks for being one of them!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cali trip part one...

Just before we left, Stacy and Brook brought this box of Lucky Charms to Jake!  Lucky Charms is his game name.  Funny! 

The plane ride to California was pretty hard on Jake.  Sitting is not one of his most comfortable positions.  The TSA frisked him going through security.  I wonder what they thought he was hiding in his tumors.

Monday...everyone was so tired from travel we just recooped.  We had the dinner the Beehives made us and it was yummy!  Jake had seconds...which is very unusual for him.

Of course, what trip would be complete without closing the Murphy bed with Mike still in it?!

Tuesday, we walked over to Denny's for breakfast (Thanks Timpsons!), then Jake and John took off to meet Ashley in Alpine.  I guess they had a good visit.  I forgot to pack my swim suit so I had to hunt down a replacement.  Went to Walmart...nothing but bottoms!  Hmmmm!

Wednesday we finally went to play in the ocean.  My friend Missy and her son Andrew brought beach chairs, snacks, CC cookies, boogie boards and toe nail polish and met us Wednesday morning.   Jake was so wiped out from his trip on Tuesday (forgot to take his pain pills with him) that he stayed in bed all day.  Dave stayed with him and the rest of us headed for the beach.  It turns out that Missy is a singer and has 4 or 5 CD's out.  She's the lead singer (beautiful voice) least she was until she moved to California.  Anyway...we had a great time at the beach Wednesday!

Andrew taught John how to boogie board.  The rest of the boys were too chicken to get in the water.  John and Andrew had a blast!

Zack combed the beach for babes!

Spencer was "digging it"!

Mike enjoyed finding treasures on the beach.

Missy covered my bruised toe with pretty pink toenail polish!

Missy and Jake

Our niece, Dana, brought her two older kids to see Jake for a few minutes.  That was a great way to end a fabulous day!

Jake is having a difficult time.  Every day is worse...but today, we are going to try and take him to the beach!  Words cannot express the gratitude we feel for all who donated to make this trip possible.  Thanks you sooo, sooo much!

I walked in and laid on the bed by Jake.  I was going to talk to him about something...but forgot what I was going to say.

Me:  I must be getting Alzhiemers...what was your name again?
Jake:  Hehe....No, that's my name!  Hehe
Me:  Cool!  I'm going to call you that for the rest of the trip!


  1. I am glad you are being able to make such great memories together. Enjoy the sun and we will be glad to see you all back soon in this neck of the woods.

  2. Hehe that is adorable. Praying for a comfortable ride home!

  3. my heart is so full...These are memories to hold onto forever!
